2Pesewas Bulk SMS

Terms Of Use

Terms and their meaning
- MPTNC: Mobile Phone Telecommunication Network Companies
- CONTACTS: Mobile phone numbers with or without attached names to which clients send SMS to.
- CLIENT: Anyone who downloads, installs and registers their mobile number on our servers.
- SMS: A short text message with a maximum length of 458 characters. Valid SMS characters include !#\()*+,-. /0123456789:;?@ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. Any character besides these will not be considered as valid.
- Sender ID: This corresponds to the name set by clients in their setup page of this app. This name appears as the source of every SMS sent by the clients to any CONTACT, to help receipients identify the origin of the SMS. The Sender ID does not form part of the SMS body.
- RECEIPIENTS: Recipients of an SMS are the owners(users) of valid mobile phone numbers that are found in your contact list to which the SMS is sent.

Terms and Conditions
- SMS Units do not have any expiry date. Your account topups are all converted to units and thus are none refundable as long as 2Pesewas remains operational.
- SMS sent from our App will be forwarded to the respective MPTNCs of the CONTACTS specified by the client. All SMS that are successfully delivered to the MPTNCs attract the unit charge for an SMS. This stage of the process is the sole responsibility of 2Pesewas and we will be liable for any failures/interruptions of the process at this stage. SMS will then be forwarded to the various CONTACTS by their respective MPTNCs and 2Pesewas WILL NOT be responsible for this stage of the process.
- 2Pesewas will not be held liable for any interruptions or failures that may occur, resulting in the failure of the MPTNCs to successfully deliver the SMS to the RECIPIENTS. Reasons for such failures or interruptions may include: technical problems with the MPTNC systems, RECIPIENTS' phones either being switched off or out of coverage area during the whole SMS validity period.
- Clients are SOLELY responsible for the contents and accuracy of all SMS submitted to 2Pesewas to be delivered to their CONTACTS because all messages are sent AS IS.
- 2Pesewas SMS guarantees absolute confidentiality of all clients' CONTACTS and SMS contents. Thus, no third parties will be allowed any forms of access to clients' CONTACTS without the consent of our client.
- Clients will adhere to an appropriate code of conduct when utilizing the Service. Sending of unsolicited advertising material, illegal content, inappropriate language or any SMS that may be viewed by the RECIPIENT as being of contentious or offensive nature is not permitted and may, at the sole discretion of 2Pesewas, result in the immediate termination of the Services rendered to the client in question.
- Upon the detection of any attempt by a client to illegally manipulate this App in any manner not authorized by 2Pesewas, the account involved will be terminated with immediate effect while, all SMS units credited to the account will be confiscated, with no refunds available for the owner of the account.
- This agreement is subject to the laws of Ghana. All clients of 2Pesewas are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Ghana in the event that any proceeding shall be brought under the terms of this agreement.
- This document contains the entire Terms and Conditions of Service between Clients and 2Pesewas and shall not be capable of variation or amendment except as amended and notified in writing by the Board of Directors of 2Pesewas Bulk SMS Services Limited.

This document is Approved by the Board of Directors of Tamar Software Solutions, developers of 2Pesewas Bulk SMS and recompiled on 17th February, 2017